Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Project 6- Image Techniques

Multiple Exposure
For this photo I took multiple shots while the crane was in motion. I slightly of set each image so it would be easy to see the movement. The photo is set in black and white to make the image more simplistic and bring the viewers attention to the crane. 

High Dynamic Range
 This photo was difficult to edit. I wanted it to be clear and realistic. When I took this photo there were lots of shadows with the sun shining from the left. I brought out the greens/blue slightly and added a yellow tint. 

I took this photo is made up of photos from my swim meets at the Mt. Hood Community College. This photo was extremely busy with colors so I turned it black and white. I love how I was able to turn the water a clear/white color. Through the water you can see the lines at the bottom of the pool.

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