Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Project 1 - 30x2

For this first project, the three topics I chose to photograph were a pinecone, a fire hydrant and a a private property sign. 

I chose the pinecone because of the unique shape and different textures. On all of these photos I played with the colors while trying to bring out the texture. 

I chose the fire hydrant because of the bright colors and scenic background. With the first photo I messed with the lighting trying to get the colors to pop. The second photo is more washed out giving it a older feel. The final photo I messed with the saturation and shadows.

I chose the private property sign because the texture of the grass and the color of the text contrasted against the background. For the first photo I played with strong saturation and shadows. The second photo I did in black and white to change the textures. The third photo I tried to bring the viewers eye straight to the sigh. I did this by giving the photo more light in the center.

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