Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Project 2- Framing and Composition

For this project I explored eight different photo techniques. I tried to use a variety of different subjects for each technique. Each photo was edited in Lightroom to enhance the color and overall quality.

Bird's Eye View
I took this when I went to Victoria, Canada for the weekend. When editing this photo I brought out the blue sky while giving the rest of the photo a yellow tint.

Filling the Frame
For this photo I brought out the colors green and yellow which created a contrast to the black shadows. 

Close Up
When editing this photo I tried to make this certain part of the plant be the center focus.

Bug's Eye View

Rule of Thirds
For this photo I brought out the colors in the sunset. I liked how the different shades of blue brought out the different layers in the mountains.

Frame Within a Frame
I took this photo through a tape roll. To make the photo more appealing to the eye I cropped it . I also made the edges more defined by making it black and white.  

Leading Lines
I was happy with how this photo came out. The lighting was horrible and it took a lot of editing. The viewers eye goes directly to the spider in the middle of the web. 


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