Thursday, December 4, 2014

Project 3- Grids and Mood

During this project I explored emphasizing a certain aspect of a photograph that wood affect mood through color. The first part of this project was making grids. Taking one or more photos editing and rotation them to create a unique pattern. The first grid is made up from one photo that shows warm colors. I edited a photo of a screen to be different colors and then rotated each photo to create the pattern. The second grid shows cool colors. I used two photos to create this grid. One was a part of a sculpture down town Portland and the other a plant. I brought out the blue and green colors when editing and then rotated them to shape the pattern. The third grid is complementary colors blue and orange. The photos on the top and bottom are from a sculpture and the photos in the middle is part of a tree with the blue sky in the background. The last grid is monochrome/black and white. I blew up a photo of a flower and I made it unto nine different photos. I then grouped chose together and added a border. The border is from another sculpture.
The second part of this project was editing a photo to great a certain mood. The First photo was when I was walking around in Victoria, Canada. The blue sky and signal object makes the photo look cold, sad, and gloomy. The second photo I took on the way home from Victoria, Canada on the ferry. It has a calm and peaceful mood.
Warm Colors
Cool Colors
Complementary Colors

Mood: cold/ sad/ gloomy

Mood: calm/ peaceful

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Project 3- Color

Corey Arnold’s
This  photo is split in half horizontally between two very different moods. The main focus is the bear and all of the colors in the background blur together. The photo has a lot of cool colors as well as a yellow tint. The colors give the photo a sad/lonely feeling. The photographer achieved this by capturing the bears light brown fur partially covered in dark brown almost black mud or pollution. The bear itself is alone and the facial expression of the bear also supports the mood. The yellow tint  of the top half of the photo gives the photo a more hopeful/warm feeling.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Project 2- Framing and Composition

For this project I explored eight different photo techniques. I tried to use a variety of different subjects for each technique. Each photo was edited in Lightroom to enhance the color and overall quality.

Bird's Eye View
I took this when I went to Victoria, Canada for the weekend. When editing this photo I brought out the blue sky while giving the rest of the photo a yellow tint.

Filling the Frame
For this photo I brought out the colors green and yellow which created a contrast to the black shadows. 

Close Up
When editing this photo I tried to make this certain part of the plant be the center focus.

Bug's Eye View

Rule of Thirds
For this photo I brought out the colors in the sunset. I liked how the different shades of blue brought out the different layers in the mountains.

Frame Within a Frame
I took this photo through a tape roll. To make the photo more appealing to the eye I cropped it . I also made the edges more defined by making it black and white.  

Leading Lines
I was happy with how this photo came out. The lighting was horrible and it took a lot of editing. The viewers eye goes directly to the spider in the middle of the web. 


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Project 1 - 30x2

For this first project, the three topics I chose to photograph were a pinecone, a fire hydrant and a a private property sign. 

I chose the pinecone because of the unique shape and different textures. On all of these photos I played with the colors while trying to bring out the texture. 

I chose the fire hydrant because of the bright colors and scenic background. With the first photo I messed with the lighting trying to get the colors to pop. The second photo is more washed out giving it a older feel. The final photo I messed with the saturation and shadows.

I chose the private property sign because the texture of the grass and the color of the text contrasted against the background. For the first photo I played with strong saturation and shadows. The second photo I did in black and white to change the textures. The third photo I tried to bring the viewers eye straight to the sigh. I did this by giving the photo more light in the center.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Summer

This summer I did a lot of traveling. I went to Washington DC, New York City and California.